Oops! Twitter Accidentally Resets many Passwords
Twitter mistakently reset a whole lot of its memebers passwords,sending notitfication emails to each memeber's email address and triggering a lot of panic about service-wide hacking
"Just got notified by Twitter that my password has been reset," the technology journalist Paul Kedrosky teewted last night, "Has there been a hack? No way the issue is at my end."
Not to worry ,Paul! According to the technology news site Re/code ,it was a simple snafu on Twitter's part,affecting "less than one percent of Twitter users."Twitter was not hacked;the issue is not at your end.
Twitter just had a little hiccup,if you will.If you,too, recieved a worrisome email from Twitter around midnight eastern last night,just reset your password and you'll be A-OK.
In its brief time on the internet,Twitter has suffered its privacy scares.There's already a rich history of noteworthy Twitter accounts-including The Associated press and The Guardian-being hacked and then used to send out malicious ,explict or profane tweets on behalf of the hackers. Cyber criminals also like to target your Direct message inbox,tricking you into clicking salacious links and then using your account information to spam your friends.
In this case,however, no bad guys can take resposibility. This was just a Twitter engineering problem.Choose a new password and tweet away.
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